BEST Photography Awards categories info

Categories are in two sections: Professional and Non-Professional.

In our competition, we do not limit the number of images submitted by each individual photographer. You can also submit the same photo to any number of categories. Your photos will be rated individually by an esteemed panel of international judges, including: famous photographers, collectors, gallery owners, magazine editors and others.

The Best Photography Awards accepts submissions in the following categories:


This category is for commercial images used to sell, market, promote or advertise a product, brand, service, or person(s).


This category is for portrait photography. Artistic images of a person or group of people.


This category for photos depicting the nude human body with an emphasis on form, composition, emotional content, and other aesthetic qualities.

Art photography / Digital art

This category is dedicated to creative photography and is open to the most incredible concepts and ideas. Digital manipulated photos are also accepted.

Domestic animals

Focusing on images of domestic animals, working animals, those kept in zoos or microscopic ones seen with the use of special equipment.


This category is for architectural photography, buildings or structures and any part thereof; dynamic images of architecture or architectural details.


This category is for photography that is devoted to displaying natural elements such as landscapes, wildlife, plants, and close-ups of natural scenes and textures.

Open Theme

This category is for photos with a free theme.

Documentary / Photojournalism

This category is for photographs of events that make the news, through individual images documenting cultural, political or social issues affecting individuals or societies; coverage of news topics and their implications; and documenting human impact on the environment.

Street Photography

A category which presents captured moments directly related to everyday life, mainly in the city and public spaces. Photographs taken on the streets of cities and towns.

Abstract Photography

Category for experimental, conceptual photography. Photographs that depict a visual image using perspective, texture, light and shadow, and more to create an associative photograph that is not related to the image of the real world.

Newborn / Children

Portraits of newborns, babies and children of different ages.

Smartphone Photography

Photos created using a phone/smartphone.

Travel Photography

Photos created around the world while traveling. Photos depicting different cultures, unusual moments, customs, people of different regions and much more.

Analog / Film photography

This category is for photography that uses non-digital methods of capturing images.


Focusing on images of wild animals in their natural habitats or pets, working animals, those kept in zoos or microscopic ones seen with the use of special equipment.

Black & White photography

Photos created in numerous shades of gray, white and black. We expect to see unusual photographs in terms of contrast, composition and subjects shot in black and white. In this category, the topic of photography is not limited – the main thing is originality.

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