Ylenia Bruzzese
Luoghi del vento
Luoghi del vento was born in 2013 and is a constantly evolving project. The intent is to find and explore abandoned buildings scattered throughout Europe and through photography to document and catalog a part of their history, since in the future the building could be demolished or fall apart. The intent of my project is to show (through photographs) the current state of the different places, where memory is alive through images capable of bringing the structure to life again, despite the progress of decay. I want to explain that abandoned buildings are large open-air museums, with no opening and closing times, which narrate the social, technological and aesthetic development of the culture to which they belong: they are the image of the transition of life between the past and the present. In the same way I want to intrigue and surprise the users by showing unexpected and sometimes surreal environments, but capable of evoking emotions. Through an aesthetic approach, I want to tell the stories and memories of these magical, surreal and silent places, suspended in a muffled and timeless dimension.

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